Unajiro’s commitment
Our sauce is made from a blend of soy sauce, sake, mirin, granulated sugar, kelp, and bonito. Depending on the flavor and condition of the eel on that day, as well as its fat content, we carefully determine the amount of sauce to soak it in. Each time the eel is dipped in the sauce, its fat seeps into the saucepot, enriching the sauce with the eel's own umami. This naturally results in a sauce that is rich in the eel's own delicious flavor.
最適なタレを -
道具の手入れにも、手を抜きません。鰻専用の包丁は、毎日研ぎます。少しでも切れ味が悪ければ、鰻の身を傷つけてしまうことになる。毎日、当たり前のことを当たり前に行うこと。それが美味しい鰻を食べていただくための、 私たちのはじめの一歩です。
We don't cut corners when it comes to maintaining our tools. Our eel-specialized knife is sharpened daily. Even the slightest dullness could harm the eel's flesh. Doing the ordinary things every day as a matter of course. That's our first step towards serving a delicious eel bowl.
手を抜きません -
串うち三年、さばき八年、焼き一生という言葉がありますが、うな次郎では『さばき一生、焼き一生』。 鰻は元気で繊細なため、さばく工程が特に難しい。水温を下げることで鰻が落ち着き、さばきやすくはなりますが、それでは鰻が活気の良い状態ではありません。そのため、うな次郎ではいけすの温度を鰻の育ってきた環境と同じほどの水温に。
その分、鰻たちは元気がいっぱいです。また、育った環境によって、味はもちろん、気性の荒さ、動き方、性格はさまざま。だからこそ、私たちはさばきの技術を磨き、鰻に気づかれないぐらいのものの数秒でさばきます。この技は、鰻の美味しさを左右する大切な軸。 だからこそ、うな次郎では『さばきは一生』なのです。One's whole life to prepare, one's whole life to grill," instead of the more traditional "Three years to skewer, eight years to prepare, one's whole life to grill.Eels are lively yet delicate, making the preparation process especially challenging. Lowering the water temperature helps calm the eels, making them easier to handle, but it doesn't keep them in their vibrant state. That's why, at Unajiro, we maintain the tank temperature to match the environment where the eels were raised.
As a result, our eels are full of vitality. Moreover, depending on their upbringing, their flavors, as well as their temperament, movements, and personalities, vary. That's precisely why we hone our filleting skills and can fillet them in a matter of seconds without the eels noticing. This technique is a crucial axis that influences the deliciousness of the eel. That's why, at Unajiro, we say, "A lifetime to prepare, a lifetime to grill.さばき一生
焼き一生 -
串うちは4種類。できるだけ少なくし、関西焼きにこだわります。 串うちが少ないと裏返すのにコツはいりますが、焼き時間とともに自然と鰻が縮まり、旨味がぎゅっと凝縮されていきます。串を打ちすぎると縮みしろがなくなり、 旨味が溜まりづらくなるのです。 また、鰻自身が持つ脂は多く、自身の脂で小骨を揚げてゆく過程で身がふわふわに。 その一方で、様子を見ながら、水をかけて焼き加減を調整してゆきます。それぞれの鰻がもつ脂の量が異なるので、同じ時間で全体の焼き加減が均等になるように。焼き加減は、目でみて、音を聞くこと。外はカリッと、中はふわっとした食感になるのです。
We use four skewers for grilling eel, minimizing the number to emphasize Kansai-style grilling. Having fewer skewers requires a certain technique to flip them, but as the grilling time progresses, the eel naturally contracts, concentrating its flavor. If you use too many skewers, the eel won't contract as much, and it becomes challenging to accumulate the savory juices. Furthermore, eels are naturally rich in fat, and during the grilling process, their fat is used to fry their own bones, resulting in a tender texture. On the other hand, we adjust the grilling process by occasionally sprinkling water while monitoring the eels. Since each eel has a different amount of fat, we ensure that the overall grilling is even in the same amount of time. Grilling involves using your eyes and listening to the sound. It results in a crispy exterior and a soft, fluffy texture on the inside.
旨味を留める -